
This document describes the syntax of variable definitions (argument -v of command line).

There are three types of variable definitions:

  • Simple (-v "X"): If you just define the name of the variable, the tool will try to bind it to all names that appear in your input file

  • Exclusive (-v "X~A,B"): If you define a list of comma-separated elements after ~, the tool will try to bind the variable to all names that appear in your input file, except the ones on the list

  • Inclusive (-v "X:A,B"): If you define a list of comma-separated elements after :, the tool will only bind the variable to the elements you defined.

It is not necessary to define In and Out variables. If you have a variable X bound to Element, not only the rule X will match Element, but the rule InX will match InElement and the rule OutX will match OutElement.